It's not about your Resume
Your Resume is who you were.
Your Cover Letter is who you want to be.
In a field crowded with other candidates, an Outstanding Cover Letter
the power to help you land the job you deserve.
An Outstanding Cover Letter doesn't restate your Resume.
It shows your interest in working for a particular organization. It's very
specific about your reasons for wanting a particular job, why you
are a
good fit for the organization, why you should be hired.
It provides information, traits, and work habits that never
in a
Resume. It’s conversational, engaging, compelling, believable.
You have your Resume. Now what...?
Without an Outstanding Cover Letter to accompany your Resume,
job application is less likely to receive any attention.
So, as a communication professional, I make this offer: With your
participation, I'll write an Outstanding Cover Letter for you.
Now I can't guarantee you'll land the job you're seeking. No one can.
However, I can guarantee if you don't receive an Initial
of Employer Interest [expressed in an email, phone call,
interview, personal interview...], I'll recast the Outstanding
Letter for your
next job opportunity – at no additional cost
to you.
To create an Outstanding Cover Letter, I'll need
your current Resume
and the Job Description for the opportunity
As for my fee, there is a sliding scale based on the compensation
the position you're seeking.
If you're interested in learning more, please send me a short email,
can set a meeting [phone or in person]
to discuss the process.
I'll respond within 24 hours.
Regardless of whether or not we work together, all the best in your
Lorne Evje
To differentiate yourself from the crowd and land the
deserve, you must have an Outstanding Cover Letter.
In the course of our initial discussion, if I determine I can't help you,
I'll tell you immediately - because I don't sell goods I can't deliver.
Now, where do we go from here...?