Case Study: Direct Mail


A healthcare provider decided to expand her business opportunities
by forging new relationships with healthcare providers in allied and
noncompetitive areas, but was uncertain as to the effectiveness
of a direct mail campaign


Working with the healthcare provider, we created three direct mail
letters, each a single page
targeted to 1 of the 3 allied healthcare

The letters emphasized what our client could provide to the other
healthcare providers - and also mentioned what they might be able
to provide to our client in return.


As the client continues to make follow-up calls, the amount of new
business has not yet been completely determined; however, the
number of favorable responses to this direct mail campaign has
approached 30%

[Note: The expectation for direct mail response is usually up to 1%.
Exceptional campaigns might reach as much as 2%.]

As a bonus, one recipient - learning of the particular expertise of our
client - has offered her a consulting opportunity in his practice.


To learn how lessons learned here can help your business, contact:
Lorne Evje [EV-yuh] 415.794.4361 or











Context Communication ~ Box 71141 ~ Richmond CA 94807