

There are three reasons for this picture.

[1] It's the punch line to “You were such a cute kid; what happened?”

[2] It's a statement that communication in its many forms has been my
passion my entire life.

[3] It's different.

Showing me in the days of my youth, in gray scale, it emphasizes the
most important concept in content copywriting – differentiation.

At a time when there's no end of competition for what you do or what
you sell, when the question is, “Why should I do business with you?”
the answer is found in one word – differentiation.

All written material about you must tell prospects what's different about
you, why that's important to your prospects, and why you should be, as
they say, “top of mind” when what you do or sell is what people need.


Working together, we can make that happen. Let's collaborate to produce
outstanding content on time, on budget.

Lorne Evje [EV-yuh] 415.794.4361 or















Context Communication ~ Box 71141 ~ Richmond CA 94807